University of Chicago
Searle Chemistry Laboratory, 340C
5735 S. Ellis Ave.
Technical contact:
C. Jin Qin
The UChicago mass spec facility in the Chemistry Department routinely runs quantitative, accurate mass, and nominal mass studies of known small molecule metabolites, synthesized compounds by LC/GC-MS (and MS/MS), and standard comparisons. These studies are on the scale of 50-2,000 Da. Instruments include chromatography and mass spectrometers, IR, and ICP-MS.
Chromatography and Mass Spectrometers
- Agilent 6540 Q-Tof MS-MS with nanoLC-Chip for metabolite ID, discovery proteomics, metabolomics and etc. in GCIS E240
- Agilent 6460 Triple Quad MS-MS with 1290 UHPLC for MRM Quantitation in GCIS E240
- Bruker Ultraflextreme MALDI-Tof-Tof for Non-volatile Organics, Polymers, Peptides and Proteins in GCIS E240
- Varian Saturn 2000 GCMS/MS for Volatile and Semi-volatile Samples in Searle 340
- Agilent 6224 Tof-MS for Accurate Mass Analyses in Searle 340
- Agilent 6130 LCMS for Molecular Weight Confirmation in GCIS 449
- Varian Saturn 2200 GCMS/MS for Volatile and Semi-volatile Samples in GCIS E449
- Agilent 7890B GC with FID and TCD Detectors for Gas Samples in GCIS E411
IR Instrumentation:
- Thermo Nicolet 6700 Mid-FTIR in SCL 340
- Thermo NEXUS 670 Near-, Far-, and Mid-FTIR with ATR Accessory (for Powder Samples) in GCIS E449
Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry
- Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES for Metal Elemental Analyses in GCIS E247C: Managed by Professor Dmitri Talapin, e-mail:; phone: (773) 834-2607.
- Agilent 7700x ICP-MS for Metal Elemental Analyses in GCIS E547C: Managed by Professor Wenbin Lin, e-mail:; Phone: (773) 834-7163.
Please acknowledge the NSF instrumentation grant CHE-1048528 in publications that include results or spectra obtained at the Mass Spectrometry Facility